Life18 ENV/IT/000155 – LIFE-CIRCE (CIRcular economy model for Carbon fibrE prepregs)
Objective: the project aims to redesign the industrial recycling chain
through innovation, developing machinery capable of selecting, resizing and
processing carbon fiber scraps for their reuse in the production of high-quality
Circe is a European project born under the program named LIFE , a European financing instrument to support initiatives aimed at protecting the environment. It aims to redesign the industrial recycling chain of carbon fibers through innovation, developing machinery capable of selecting, resizing and processing carbon fiber scraps for their new reuse in the production of high quality products. Within the LIFE-CIRCE Base Protection Project in collaboration with CETMA (European Research Center for Design and Materials Technologies), it is proposed to design and develop a new eco-sustainable toecap to insert safety footwear. The new green toe-cap will be made from waste or processing residues obtained from the production of the HP Composite Partner company focused on the design and production of components in carbon fiber reinforced material for various sectors. LIFE-CIRCE Project website: